App that Reads EPC Ebooks

With the disappearance of and the functionality of its beloved 10000 free ebooks app, I'm sure that a lot of you are looking for ways to convert your EPC files into EPUB so that at least you can download a generic ebook reader and enjoy your much loved, if maybe dubiously obtained ebooks.

I mean, if downloading hundreds of best sellers across different genres for free isn't dubious or even outright illegal, then I don't know what is. So let's everyone take a deep breath, exhale, and accept the fact that was really destined to be taken down.

That being said, if you want to read the ebooks you already have and uninstall the defunct app, it is too much work to open entire novels in Word or Notepad and then save it as epub. Definitely not easy.

So here's a tip. All you have to do is RENAME your c1.epc ebooks into whatever title you want, and then rename the extension from EPC to EPUB.

Then download this absolute gem of an app called Alreader from google play to read your new epub file. If you think it's that easy, take note that not all ebook readers can read renamed epc files.

Alreader does, and does it flawlessly. Happy reading!


Unknown said...

I installed the 10000 books ereader on my HTC Desire Z phone[Gingerbread 2.3.3] some while ago and at that time books could still be downloaded. Downloaded some 100 books and the phone could open these books 100% and every book was readable. Subsequent to this I acquired a Samsung Galaxy S4 phone[Lollipop 5.0.1] and as the same ereader was still available for download, I downloaded it to this newer phone. I discovered that the sourcing of books option of the reader had been shut down and because of this I copied the folder containing the previously downloaded books from the HTC to the Samsung.I discovered that the Samsung could not source these books.....what a blow.
This is probably poetic justice but I would like to find out why the reader does not work on the more modern phone. Any thoughts on this please ?

Unknown said...

just copy your epub file to the new phone

FlyboyUSAF6280 said...
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FlyboyUSAF6280 said...

I have an APK file with the 10000 ebook reader on it that will most likely read your books.if you are interested. It is an earlier version of the app, so can still read the hundreds of books I have downloaded. Let me know if you are interested

FlyboyUSAF6280 said...

I am doing so on a Samsung Galaxy S5, so you should have no problem

Unknown said...

Hi FlyboyUSAF6280,

I have now upgraded from the Samsung Galaxy S4 to the S5 recently, so your news is good news indeed. Please tell me where/how to download the earlier version of
the app.[or can you send this to me at please ]

Many thanks,
Karen van Staden.

Unknown said...

I have a good copy but need more books do you have any files you can share.

FlyboyUSAF6280 said...

Let me see if I still have the apk file and I will send it in an email. How many books do you have and can you share some with me? They might be different ones than I have. My email is Lete find the file and I will email it and the books I have as well.

FlyboyUSAF6280 said...
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FlyboyUSAF6280 said...

Yes, I don't mind sharing books, but I need an email address to send them to. Also, if you can zip and send what books you have, I would greatly appreciate it. My email is:

FlyboyUSAF6280 said...

Rick Wheeler, I can share all 600+ books that I have, but I need an email to send it to... Email me:

Unknown said...

Do u still use there books. I have carried mine over to my new phone. If so want to share files?

FlyboyUSAF6280 said...

Yes, I still have all of the files I had before. I have also gained more from other people still using an earlier version of this app. I read mostly SCI-FI & Fantasy, but I some other categories as well. I have the books zipped and saved for sharing, and I can send them through several emails. I need an email address to send to. Are you able to zip and send that books you have as well?

Unknown said...

Thank you.Thank you so much. Now I can read all those books on my tablet again. I am so happy.I am in sad mood during this pandemic as I work at hospital. Your advice with a few clicks on my laptop and *boom* I'm on cloud nine. Really thank you.