Eating a lot of salty foods such as potato chips, shrimp paste and instant ramen noodles might give you kidney problems, such as kidney stones. You can tell especially if you have pain at the waist area near the small of your back, as well as passing less urine than you normally do.
One time my lower back pain was so bad that I couldn’t sit still for 10 minutes. The doctor only gave me pain relievers that didn’t make the problem go away once the medication wore off. Then I remembered having eaten lots of junk foods for about 4 nights in a row, and I also held off on passing my urine more than a couple of times because I was talking with someone on the phone.
It’s not good to self-medicate, I know, but since Renalin is technically a “food supplement” I decided to give it a try. I took 1 capsule 3 times a day as recommended on the insert, and after ONLY 2 DAYS my lower back pain was gone!
If you love eating salty foods like me, I highly recommend taking Renalin because not only is it cheaper than any other brand that promotes kidney wellness, it’s also very effective and safe. I’ve taken up to 4 capsules a day without any adverse side effects.
Renalin contains the following herbal ingredients:
- Orthosiphon aristatus
- Lagerstroemia speciosa
- Blumea balsamifera
- Curcuma longa
These are traditional medicinal plants in the Philippines, 2 of which are listed in the Philippine pharmacopeia 1 and 2 are listed in the German Commission E. monograph. It’s priced at P10 per capsule as of 2011 and is available at the local Generics Pharmacy.